All life bows to the needs of sexuality and hunger; these naked needs create the Shamanic practice, is not undertaken solely for the benefit of the Shaman, but in order to help assuage someones need. At no time is this need sharper than when love strikes - Encyclopedia Celtic Wisdom, a Celtic Shaman's source book
The above sentence captured my attention. I am presently interested in both topics. The first being love (which is what this blog is usually about), The other is Shamanism. I hope I can synthesis this unliklely pair.
Shapeshifting is the transformation (mentally or physically) into that of an animal. The most adept can actually transform into an animal in their physical form. I am familiar with stories about the Amphibian Royal bloodlines who have the ability to shapeshift at will, if the rumours of polite society are true. David Icke has a wide range of information on the subject.
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A member of the blue blood Amphibian royal bloodline. |
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David Icke |
The Art of Shapeshifting in the broader sense of the term generally happens without the knowledge of the person doing it. Salesman often assess the needs and values of their clients and shift their sales pitch to suit the person they are talking to. The friendly chameleon at the party that can move from group to group and get on well with everybody.
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Except perhaps this lizard, the Chameleon. |
I met a man recently who seemed to possessed such qualities. An agreeable appearance, warm smile, friendly charming nature. He struck me however as being odd. His first onslaught into my personnel space left me looking like a deer staring into the headlights. I put it down to the clumsy approach line which possessed too much enthusiasm, I then added alcohol and desperation to balance the scales in my mind to justify my awkward feelings about him. He appeared to know me, like my friend had divulged secrets about me to him. I went to discuss this with my friend. She didn't know him. He then walked up to her and started a conversation with her saying he knew me. We were both confused. I sat back and watched him know the girl two seats down from me, the rhino coming through the door, and then finally the two ladies dancing on the pool table. I have a theory that he shapeshifted into a bar stool or a roll of toilet paper and heard everything. He turned out to be ultimately strange.
Lying is also a form of shapeshifting in which this song honestly depicts.
People often communicate to others in a similar fashion to the way tree roots function. Information gets passed along the collective consciousness. Under the surface. A mock warning sign, which shows up as a physical feature, feeling, that just doesn't look right for some reason. I have had to take a second glance at someone because they looked "Off". Places where strong feelings have been released sometimes leave "Energetic prints". These can be felt in the body as an uneasy feeling. I think a group of women at different places and times, took out their psychic marker and drew all over the strange mans face, for other women to see in the future.
Women shapeshift to attract a mate, they produce copulants which in turn have a biochemical reaction in men. Men in turn produce a hormone that repels all time wasting women who are not ovulating. The body is so sly in getting people together to reproduce.
In 2008, the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior published a study which examined changes in voice attractiveness during the menstrual cycle. [1] The study found that both men and women reported the voice of a woman who was ovulating as sounding more attractive than the voice of a woman who was not ovulating. This study did not examine how ovulation influenced a woman’s voice, but it is assumed that the hormones released during ovulation interact with the larynx to produce this change.
New Studies are beginning to uncover the science behind sex appeal, unexpected factors like biochemical odors, face shape, and voice pitch. Our faces change to look more attractive, our behaviour changes, we take more risks, and our wardrobe also changes to the fraction of the size. This sometimes goes on without our knowledge.
Sometimes it is hard to notice what is real or what is just an illusion. Take for instance the Celtic Myth about the warrior Cuchulain and the Goddess of War Morrigan.
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Cuchulain |
Cuchulain had been very successful in battle and had attracted the attention of Morrigan (The Goddess of War). She appeared to him on the roadside as a beautiful woman with long red hair, cloak and a grey spear. She informed him that she was King Buan's dghter (The eternal one) and she was in love with him. She said that she had been helping him with his battles and would continue to do so in return for his love. He arrogantly replied that he had no time for women. She told him that he shall have her hatred and enmity instead. He went to kill her, but she turned into a crow. The man should of had some clues at this point. But I guess when you are really focused it's hard to hear the small quiet voice of intuition. The crow was her calling card, but he didn't catch on. She shapeshifted to many different animals and many different guises to combat him. He wounded her every time. Till one day she tricked him into offering his healing powers in return for a drink of milk. His thirst would not be able to be satiated until he agreed. He agreed she healed. She haunted him till his death and even made him eat flesh of a forbidden animal, therefore breaking a Gea...
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The Goddess of War Morrighan |
Loyal to the end, when he was killed in battle, she shapeshifted into a crow and sat on his shoulder for the last few minutes left of his life.
So that's all I have to say about Shapeshifting, Love, and attraction.